Company profile

Company VIA FORTIS s.r.o. was established in Czech Republic in 2015 as a international commodity trading company. 

Based on our company team previous experience in trading of hydrocarbon resources we set a goal to increase volume of supplies of more environmentally friendly hydrocarbons for the automotive industry.

Since 2016y company VIA FORTIS s.r.o. has been operating in the market for the supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for petrols stations, agricultural enterprises and elevators.  

For the convenience of customers, we organize the delivery of goods to the customer’s gas stations or elevators/grain dryers by auto-trucks. For this purpose we have good partner relations with transportation companies.

At the beginning of 2023 our company VIA FORTIS reached a significant indicator: since 2016, the volume of LPG shipped by our company exceeded 20 000 tons LPG/PBA (Liquified Petroleum Gas / Propane-Butane Automotive)

By 2022 we were mostly oriented on Ukrainian LPG market which was fast growing market since 2015 (about 20% growing of every year).

VIA FORTIS s.r.o. is engaged in the wholesale of LPG for various purposes: 

LPG as an economical motor fuel for road transport

LPG as a fuel for effective drying of fruit and grain


Since 2019 company VIA FORTIS s.r.o. developing new business line.

Based on our team experience and wide networks of business contacts in Ukraine we offer services for Czech companies:

— marketing research, study of the export potential of Czech goods with the aim of supplying to the Ukrainian markets

— searching of business partners in Ukraine in order to organize export of goods for Czech companies

— organization of contract manufacturing for Czech companies on the production capacities of Ukrainian enterprises

 — financial consulting for Czech companies in order to organize investment projects in Ukraine